PCI is committed to community outreach by advocating and providing legal services, referral and resources to the most vulnerable. We assist the child and family with legal services, business and family immigration, notary services, and housing referrals.
The Sermon of the Mount in Matthew 5, exemplifies our values. Love one another as the Lord has loved you; a love that is sacrificial and giving. While we all share biological similarities and common life experiences, we also share differences in our beliefs, religious practices, gender, socioeconomic affiliation, age, ethnicity, ability to move/disability, and other social positions that make us unique. Each of us, therefore, has a sense of uniqueness; our experiences even in the faith are not always shared and are unique to oneself, a group, a system or an affiliation to a group. The dynamic of this understanding is our identity. Visit us at: 18191 NW 68th Avenue, Suite 212, Miami, Florida 33015.
PCI is proud to work with The Legal Advocate Clinic to advocate for dependent families, children/youth and individuals. Founded in 2008, The Legal Advocate Clinic advocates services in matters of credit management, restorative justice, education representation, child development and dependency, family law matters including child support and mediation assistance.
S. Peppy Bennett, LL.M., MHS.CPS
Director Community Development Programming
Legal Advocate Clinic
1718 Johnson Street
Hollywood, Florida 33020
S. Peppy Bennett, LL.M., MHS.CPS Cand.
Legal Advocate & Certified GAL & DVM
FL Notary Comm. No.: 861051
+011 (954) 274-9022
M. Cary Trujillo
Legal & Education Administrator
Legal Advocate Clinic
1718 Johnson Street
Hollywood, Florida 33020
Dedicated to advocate for dependent children and families globally.
One hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different
because I was important in the life of a child. -- Anonymous
Maria Mercedes Becerra, MS Counseling
President Fundacion Entre Nosotras
Tel: (786) 553-6165
Fax: (305) 258-7055
Tel: (786) 285-5918
Fax: (305) 250-9161
Advocating for victims of domestic violence
See link to Fundacion Entre Nosotras http://fundacionentrenosotras.org/