Youth Enrichment Solutions
PCI offers a variety of ongoing workshops and seminars through its Youth Enrichment Solutions initiative to empower families, (YES Program).
The YES program’s goal is to help youth at risk and their families at any level. We
provide individual and family counseling and education. We give adolescents and
family members life skills required to cope with major life transitions such as
crisis, grief and loss, and help them find healthy ways to rebuild their lives.
- The Yes program includes, drug and alcohol prevention, education, and intervention
specifically targeted to help our Youth.
- The Yes program includes QPR Suicide Prevention training for community gate
keepers sponsored by QPR Institute.
- StrengtheningFamilies Program is employed because it is an evidence-based
life skills curriculum supported by the Florida Department of Children and
Families (DCF) and US national Substance Abuse & Mental Health
The YES Program is a lifeline for children, youth and families. As stated, the program offers counseling, treatment, education and prevention services to assist parents, caregivers, children
and adolescent become healthier, confident and self-reliant as families are supportive, loving and strengthened. Our services include:
Substance Abuse Intervention & Prevention
- Assessment
- Outpatient intervention & counseling
- Support for Healthy Lifestyle
- Prevention education & intervention
- Parent support
- Support for youth impacted by a family member’s addiction
Education & Prevention Programs
- Counselors in local centers
- Mentoring for youth
- Latino outreach programs
- Leadership Development/schools & community
- Healthy Start for young parents
- Anti-bullying programs
- Teen dating violence prevention
Youth & Family Counseling
- Emotional distress
- Depression & anxiety
- Trauma & grief
- Behavioral difficulties
- School-related problems
- Peer & family relationship issues
- Parent-child conflicts
- Sexual/physical abuse counseling
- Onsite counselors in some schools
Parent Education, Support & Coaching
- Classes & workshops
- Co-counseling
- Support groups
- Parent Coaching
- Positive parenting strategies
Life Skills Learned
- Communication
- Relationships
- Anger Management
- Helath & Wellness
- Career Exploration
- Money Management
- Pre-Employment Training
- Decision Making